contact us: +34 660345184

contact us: +34 660345184

Spanish Courses

Our native-speaking teachers have a university degree and/or have had professional educational teacher training. Their knowledge and long experience in teaching foreign students guarantees an excellent training of our students. In lessons we exclusively use the direct teaching method. Spanish is the language of instruction and weavoid using other languages as much as possible. Vocabulary and grammar are learned in context. All grammar sections and written or oral exercises are provided in our schoolbooks, which are designed by our school directors.
Great emphasis is put on the speaking ability and capability of expression of the students. In conversation classes they will have to prepare small oral lectures or presentations to hold group discussions on. Furthermore, we use television, newspapers, magazines, Spanish folk songs and language games to communicate Spanish in different ways.
Additionally you will find notes from Spanish exchange students on the notice board or at reception, who want to practise another foreign language (German, English, French etc.).
Course Levels
Beginners course - (A1 marco de referencia europeo)
Course A is designed for those students, who have no, or very little knowledge, of the language. At this level, gramatical structures and basic verbs are presented in order to enable a simple conversation. In conversation classes the student studies basic vocabulary and simulates practical everyday situations (e.g. at the supermarket, at the airport etc.). Furthermore, you will practise text comprehension, style and form of expression by means of games. In all exercises we try to focus on conversation to ease your access into the Spanish language.
Intermediate course - (A2 marco de referencia europeo)
In this course the student starts to repeat the most important grammar structures of level A by means of short revision exercises. All tenses of the indicative are practised once more. In addition, all common past tenses are studied in detail and related to each other. All grammar is reinforced in a practical and oral way. Again conversational practice is fundamental. Step by step the student will be able to discuss more complicated subjects.
Advanced level - (B1-B2 marco de referencia europeo)
This course is for students with an upper intermediate level in Spanish. Basically the use of the subjunctive is studied. However, you will first repeat some exercises concerning the indicative. Once more conversation is essential for the student to be able to develop the language. Therefore, articles from newspapers and magazines are used for discussions, as well as informal talks that the students prepare themselves. “Set expressions” and sayings are taught to enrich the conversation. Moreover, Spanish video material, short lectures and Spanish songs will complete the understanding of the language.
Nivel superior -(C1-C2 marco de referencia europeo)
Basically, this level is a very detailed and specialized study of the Spanish language. Grammar is taught by exercises and texts as well as special expressions and exceptional rules in the language. This course has been developed for those students who want to perfect their conversation, grammar and the knowledge of Spanish life and culture. All kinds of teaching material and topics are used, such as newspapers, magazines, music, television, Spanish art and literature or politics.

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